About Me
As you may have guessed from the website name, my name is Pamela. I attended undergraduate school at Morehead State University in Morehead, Kentucky. My majors were History and Theatre. After receiving my Bachelor’s degree, I decided to wait two years before starting grad school, so our son, Cedryk, would be older when he joined daycare. In 2008, we shared the adventure of a 1,000-mile move from Kentucky to Oklahoma so that I could earn my MFA. In early 2010, Brenynwas born. I graduated in May 2011. As of March of 2015 I welcomed my 3rd son, Rhonyn.
I adore everything about costumes. The research, design meetings, sketches, crafts, and stitching are all exhilarating and satisfying. Thus far, my favorite show to design has been 9 Parts of Desire by Heather Raffo. Through my research, I gained an emotional connection. I was very involved in the building of the costumes. I dyed fabrics and hair, draped, patterned, cut, built a butt, distressed, shopped, pulled, and designed hair and makeup. My designs received a Commendation from the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (KCACTF) region 6 adjudicators and was displayed at the organization’s 2011 conference in Amarillo. Also, the show was invited to perform at the conference. I recently designed a production of Mr E of Imagination that will perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2023.
BDancerwear interview 2015
ShoutOut Atlanta interview 2022
VoyageATL Rising Stars interview 2023
Let's get personal, so you know what to look forward to when working with me. For starters, I am a Rennie. Want to know what that is? A Rennie is a person who is a performer, artisan, or playtron at renaissance faire(s). Though, with theatre life being what it is plus having a family, I am not able to participate in faires as much as I would like. While living in Oklahoma, I worked with The Castle of Muskogee as an actor and dancer. Currently, Elspeth the Milkmaid works with the Georgia Renaissance Faire.
Milking Lesson 101
I also love teaching. To me, there is nothing like the feeling of when a student discovers that knowledge is right at their fingertips and they can complete a task that was originally so foreign to him or her.
My kids and I love to go on trips, hike, visit museums, attend Comic-Con, bake, visit Ren faires, and celebrate Halloween. Recently, they discovered laser tag. I cannot express how much I love spending time with my lads. They can make me smile without trying. Cedryk is a loving, logical, & sweet college student. Brenyn is a wacky, humourous, cuddly tween gamer. My youngest, Rhonyn, is a fiesty, independent, considerate food lover.
This is me in a very small nutshell. I am a costume designer who loves the ins and outs, along with history. I am a dorky mom who is making it happen in this very competitive field.
Thank you for looking at my site and taking the time to get to know me, Pamela.

Myself,Cedryk, Brenyn, & Rhonyn
Photo Credit: Stephanie Lynn Photography
Cedryk, Brenyn, & Rhonyn
Photo Credit: Stephanie Lynn Photography

Photo Credit: Stephanie Lynn Photography

Photo Credit: Stephanie Lynn Photography
Photo Credit: Stephanie Lynn Photography