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"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan." ~ Jim Rohn
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Pamela Workman
Costume Designer
Costume Technician
Mr. E of Imagination is going to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2023!!!
The Flexible Designer & Mentor
The Costume Designer and Technician should be a diverse individual that is capable of familiarizing themselves with various times, cultures, and characters. As a Designer, I have an understanding of and the ability to construct, budget, prioritize, and keep deadlines. From the moment of reading the play to the closing night; costume designing is a vibrant expression of collaborative ideas coming to fruition. I find that moving from artistic mediums, such as oils, to the costuming medium of fabric, enables a specific type of creative communication between the Director, Shop Supervisor, and Designer.
Mentoring is a position in that I take great pride and privilege in performing. Each student lends their own experiences, skill sets, and outlooks. Helping students expand their talents and discover their hidden gifts is the main motivation for my teaching aspirations. As a mentor and designer, I like to keep in mind that there are no meaningless shows, no pointless characters, and no limit to the effects wonderful theatre has on all involved.

Once on This Island Much Ado About Nothing
Asaka's hat Don Pedro
The Odyssey
The Moveable Classroom
Teaching and learning are forms of sharing. The dynamic “classroom” could be anywhere: A traditional classroom, a lab, a theatre, a park – anywhere students and teachers are found exchanging ideas. It is the teacher’s role to lead the class and to share her knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm. But it is also each student’s role to share thoughts and ideas with the class. I want to prepare my students for a fulfilling career in theatre, should they seek it, or equally to provide them with a deeper understanding of this art even if they do not plan to make a career of it.
Ultimately, the classroom should be a place for students to learn how to produce not only theatre shows but lifelong memories for both the audience and the theatrical practitioners. On a more practical note, the successful teacher brings interesting ways of learning into the classroom. There are different ways of learning and taking in information. It is the responsibility of the teacher to help each student understand the coursework and be able to retain the knowledge.

Costume Shop
Brenau University
Gainesville Theatre Alliance
In the Shop:
Gainesville Theater Alliance
Gainesville, Ga
In the Process:
Commission Works
Santa (Clint)
Commission Works
Santa (Stephen)
Commission Works